2024 Photographic Overture
Anyone that knows me knows I have an endless supply of hobbies. Each provides its own unique joy, but each also lacks something I’ve sought throughout my twenties. Hiking and camping lack a certain level of mental stimulation. Guitar doesn’t give me an excuse to get outside. My golf game isn’t exactly “artistic". And, despite what snow-seeking backcountry skiers may tell you in mid-July, skiing is, unfortunately, a seasonal sport.
At the beginning of 2024, I bought a camera, and it’s been refreshingly different. There’s a scientific, technological, and problem solving element to photography that triggers my left hemisphere and satiates my gear addiction. There’s an artistic freedom of choice that accompanies every picture - how it’s composed, when it’s shot, and the feeling it’s intended to evoke. And there’s the moment itself, forcing me to be present in a world dominated by screens and endless content.
I’m starting this site to share the joy I’ve found in taking pictures and to document my photographic journey in the years to come. I still have so much to learn to become a good photographer. For now, I’m just a guy with a camera lucky enough to explore some cool places and push a button. I hope you enjoy the moments I’ve captured.
The below is a collection of some of my favorite photos from 2024.